Blockchair 的标志

「Hyperliquid 50倍巨鲸」做空BTC仓位浮盈620万美元,清算价85,592美元 Blockbeats 8小时前

「Hyperliquid 50倍巨鲸」做空BTC仓位浮盈620万美元,清算价85,592美元 🐋

According to BlockBeats on March 16, monitored by ai_9684xtpa, the "Hyperliquid 50x whale," with a 40x short on BTC, saw floating profits increase to $6.2 million as BTC experienced a brief downturn. The nominal value of the whale's short position is $366 million, with an opening price of $84,043.2 and a liquidation price of $85,596.

Earlier, as cited by HyperInsight two hours ago, the "Hyperliquid 50x whale" transferred 2.5 million USDC to its Hyperliquid account to enhance the margin and expand the short position.

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