Peter Todd, a Canadian cryptographer and computer scientist, is in hiding following an HBO documentary that alleges he is Satoshi Nakamoto, the mysterious creator of Bitcoin. The documentary, titled Money Electric, makes this claim, attracting unwanted attention and causing Todd to receive numerous requests for money.
Despite the accusations, Todd has firmly denied being Nakamoto, expressing frustration over how this has jeopardized his safety and turned his life upside down. The director, Cullen Hoback, insists that uncovering Nakamoto's identity serves the public interest, given Bitcoin's significant value.
Todd argues the evidence presented is weak and misleading. He acknowledges his involvement in early cryptocurrency forums but insists these activities do not prove he is Nakamoto. He also emphasizes the inherent risks in uncovering Satoshi's identity, noting that anonymity was likely a deliberate choice for safety reasons.
In contrast to Todd's assertions, Hoback's documentary extensively discusses Todd's past interactions related to Bitcoin, including correcting a post by Satoshi in 2010. Despite these denials, Todd continues to face uncertainty and has taken steps to protect his personal safety.