Tether has launched a new platform named Hadron, aimed at tokenizing real-world assets, such as stocks, bonds, and loyalty points. The platform is currently in its beta stage, with financial institutions and discussions with developing nations on board. This initiative marks a significant move towards real-world asset tokenization.
Hadron offers advanced compliance tools including KYC (Know Your Customer) and AML (Anti-Money Laundering), ensuring a secure and regulated environment for asset tokenization. Additionally, it supports various blockchains, enhancing its adaptability across different technological infrastructures.
The total value of real-world assets locked in Hadron has seen a 12% year-over-year increase, reaching $6.591 billion. Tether's latest financial report highlights the company's substantial reserves amounting to $5.2 billion, underscoring its robust position in the cryptocurrency market.
Fuente: blockonomi.com ↗