Heather Morgan, known by her stage name 'Razzlekhan', was sentenced to 18 months in prison following her involvement in the 2016 Bitfinex hack. Morgan played a critical role in helping her husband conceal the theft of 120,000 Bitcoin. The hacking incident stands as one of the most significant breaches in the history of cryptocurrency exchanges.
The sentencing marks a significant step in addressing the accountability of those involved in cryptocurrency crimes. Morgan's involvement in the heist, and subsequent attempt to conceal the stolen funds, highlights the ongoing challenges faced by regulators and law enforcement in the cryptocurrency space.
The Bitfinex hack had a major impact on the cryptocurrency market at the time, causing significant turmoil. Authorities have since been working to retrieve the stolen assets and bring those responsible to justice. Morgan's conviction adds to the list of legal actions being taken to ensure the integrity of the crypto market.
Quelle: www.dlnews.com ↗