Blockchair's logo
Height Hash Time
22,161,760 0x5888...53cad8
22,161,761 0x3171...f1afd5
22,161,762 0x2873...dea450
22,161,763 0x0ff5...fda527
22,161,764 0x5db4...41fd24
22,161,765 0x129f...e17c64
22,161,766 0x8733...7d69bb
22,161,767 0x3063...be85a8
22,161,768 0x18d3...5b0617
22,161,769 0xe93f...34d177

Blockchair News

  1. Is Bitcoin set for a rally? Insights from key levels Ambcrypto 14 hours ago
    Is Bitcoin set for a rally? Insights from key levels

    Bitcoin is set to see an increase in price according to key metrics, but the timing of the rally remains uncertain.

  2. PEPE Price Surge: Will the Memecoin Trigger a New Bull Rally? Coinotag 5 hours ago
    PEPE Price Surge: Will the Memecoin Trigger a New Bull Rally?

    PEPE has experienced a price surge of over 2% in the last 24 hours, indicating potential for further price appreciation and sparking investor interest.

  3. Crypto Influencer Heralds BlockDAG’s Success As Presale Crosses $51.1M, Surpassing Cardano And NEAR Protocol Coin Edition 3 hours ago
    Crypto Influencer Heralds BlockDAG’s Success As Presale Crosses $51.1M, Surpassing Cardano And NEAR Protocol

    BlockDAG has received significant attention from YouTube influencer 'CryptoCoins'. The project's presale has surpassed $51.1 million, outperforming Cardano and NEAR Protocol. Cardano is facing bearish trends, while NEAR Protocol investors are seeking new opportunities.

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