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Mined on

Transaction Address Amount
0x57f9...14ca82 0xcd35...54e858
- 24.193917 USDC · 24.19 USD
0x57f9...14ca82 0x4b1f...d70001
+ 24.193917 USDC · 24.19 USD
0x57f9...14ca82 0x4b1f...d70001
- 24.113452 USDT · 24.13 USD
0x57f9...14ca82 0x50f7...d802f6
+ 24.113452 USDT · 24.13 USD
0x57f9...14ca82 0x50f7...d802f6
- 1,405.344943887404159283 Falcon
0x57f9...14ca82 0x9d55...2f25cf
+ 1,405.344943887404159283 Falcon
0x57f9...14ca82 0x50f7...d802f6
- 14.195403473610143023 Falcon
0x57f9...14ca82 0x0000...00dead
+ 14.195403473610143023 Falcon
0xe09e...cf882b 0x0000...000000
- 0.69 NTC
0xe09e...cf882b 0x6fcb...05f19c
+ 0.69 NTC
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0.28 USD
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