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Mined on

Transaction Address Amount
0x76f6...aaba53 0xe957...232b2e
- 1.324362981405943741 CXO
0x76f6...aaba53 0x4ad6...b4c6cf
+ 1.324362981405943741 CXO
0x76f6...aaba53 0xe957...232b2e
- 1.324362981405943741 CXO
0x76f6...aaba53 0x0000...00dead
+ 1.324362981405943741 CXO
0x72e5...1016d9 0x96a9...61cd1a
- 32,407.58 TEL
0x72e5...1016d9 0xdb6f...b1f498
+ 32,407.58 TEL
0x72e5...1016d9 0xdb6f...b1f498
- 32,407.58 TEL
0x72e5...1016d9 0xfc2f...18c750
+ 32,407.58 TEL
0x72e5...1016d9 0xfc2f...18c750
- 0.020326429937539176 WETH · 54.31 USD
0x72e5...1016d9 0xdb6f...b1f498
+ 0.020326429937539176 WETH · 54.31 USD
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