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Mined on

Transaction Address Amount
0x9987...7947ff 0xf50b...09a757
- 0.00000000789201 MATIC
0x9987...7947ff the-void
+ 0.00000000789201 MATIC
0x9987...7947ff 0xf50b...09a757
- 0.092940336381669 MATIC
0x9987...7947ff 0x794e...0c5888
+ 0.092940336381669 MATIC
0x9987...7947ff 0xf50b...09a757
0x9987...7947ff 0xf50b...09a757
0x997a...ad1055 0xdd99...57e66f
- 0.00000001151256354 MATIC
0x997a...ad1055 the-void
+ 0.00000001151256354 MATIC
0x997a...ad1055 0xdd99...57e66f
- 0.03458454912743646 MATIC
0x997a...ad1055 0x794e...0c5888
+ 0.03458454912743646 MATIC
Transaction Address Amount
0xca43...daf5eb 0xee53...c84857
- 0.002587913533071372 MATIC
0xca43...daf5eb 0x2cc1...c953e8
+ 0.002587913533071372 MATIC
0xed6f...6e70a1 0xee53...c84857
- 0.002583845445477054 MATIC
0xed6f...6e70a1 0xf2b8...0c757e
+ 0.002583845445477054 MATIC
0x5498...3ed186 0x6630...c5edd0
- 0.05 MATIC
0x5498...3ed186 0xb595...06ec59
+ 0.05 MATIC
0x0c20...b8f798 0x0000...620d20
0x0c20...b8f798 0x353b...dc2254
0x0c20...b8f798 0x5ff1...6d2789
- 0.01381123817629023 MATIC
0x0c20...b8f798 0x2ce3...0bdfd8
+ 0.01381123817629023 MATIC
Transaction Address Amount
0xbf2a...98e5c7 0x4d97...476045
- 180 WCOL
0xbf2a...98e5c7 0xd91e...a35296
+ 180 WCOL
0xbf2a...98e5c7 0xd91e...a35296
- 180 WCOL
0xbf2a...98e5c7 0x0000...000000
+ 180 WCOL
0xbf2a...98e5c7 0x3a3b...5002e2
- 180 USDC · 180.04 USD
0xbf2a...98e5c7 0xc5d5...20f80a
+ 180 USDC · 180.04 USD
0xbf2a...98e5c7 0xc5d5...20f80a
- 0.9 USDC · 0.90 USD
0xbf2a...98e5c7 0x433a...ed38e5
+ 0.9 USDC · 0.90 USD
0xbf2a...98e5c7 0xc5d5...20f80a
- 179.1 USDC · 179.14 USD
0xbf2a...98e5c7 0xddda...bf544c
+ 179.1 USDC · 179.14 USD
Transaction Address Amount
0xbf2a...98e5c7 0xddda...bf544c
- 180,000,000 polygon-erc-1155/0x4d97dcd97ec945f40cf65f87097ace5ea0476045
0xbf2a...98e5c7 0xc5d5...20f80a
+ 180,000,000 polygon-erc-1155/0x4d97dcd97ec945f40cf65f87097ace5ea0476045
0xbf2a...98e5c7 0x433a...ed38e5
- 180,000,000 polygon-erc-1155/0x4d97dcd97ec945f40cf65f87097ace5ea0476045
0xbf2a...98e5c7 0xc5d5...20f80a
+ 180,000,000 polygon-erc-1155/0x4d97dcd97ec945f40cf65f87097ace5ea0476045
0x3e1b...9d9082 0x4a51...9569ef
- 1 PIX-A
0x3e1b...9d9082 0x0000...000000
+ 1 PIX-A
0x926e...289285 0xaf66...18175e
- 1 polygon-erc-1155/0x76b6bffd69d0568756fa4b30ab07b0445d0d888f
0x926e...289285 0x65ab...a1803d
+ 1 polygon-erc-1155/0x76b6bffd69d0568756fa4b30ab07b0445d0d888f
0x692d...d197bb 0x2d53...95d424
- 25 PIX-A
0x692d...d197bb 0x0000...000000
+ 25 PIX-A
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0.37 USD
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