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Mined on

Transaction Address Amount
0xfefc...a1b56a 0xf01b...f4cf1c
- 0.000000000004238698 MATIC
0xfefc...a1b56a the-void
+ 0.000000000004238698 MATIC
0xfefc...a1b56a 0xf01b...f4cf1c
- 0.029232399995761302 MATIC
0xfefc...a1b56a 0x67b9...988b49
+ 0.029232399995761302 MATIC
0xfefc...a1b56a 0xf01b...f4cf1c
0xfefc...a1b56a 0xa5e0...a678ff
0xa388...006164 0xcb39...2a8bc6
- 0.000000000001802959 MATIC
0xa388...006164 the-void
+ 0.000000000001802959 MATIC
0xa388...006164 0xcb39...2a8bc6
- 0.008952624 MATIC
0xa388...006164 0x67b9...988b49
+ 0.008952624 MATIC
Transaction Address Amount
0xfefc...a1b56a 0xf01b...f4cf1c
- 6.733803960924278784 DAI
0xfefc...a1b56a 0x882d...485bfb
+ 6.733803960924278784 DAI
0xfefc...a1b56a 0x882d...485bfb
- 0.223519947 LGNS
0xfefc...a1b56a 0xf01b...f4cf1c
+ 0.223519947 LGNS
0xa388...006164 0xcb39...2a8bc6
- 40.326604 USDC
0xa388...006164 0x35cc...f0363e
+ 40.326604 USDC
0xdaeb...1ae29f 0x6dd2...876c3e
- 3,267 OPX
0xdaeb...1ae29f 0x1d3f...9f92a1
+ 3,267 OPX
0x9919...21fc59 0xb1f7...7bbdf8
- 7.67527724 GMT
0x9919...21fc59 0xb064...b8339f
+ 7.67527724 GMT
Transaction Address Amount
0x2806...fa2636 0x5848...e9ee79
- 1 PIX-A
0x2806...fa2636 0x7c13...8e25e1
+ 1 PIX-A
0xb3d2...3ea7db 0x0000...000000
- 1 polygon-erc-1155/0x4ebaef305f581f4d66d63a3167fec04b0d3139dd
0xb3d2...3ea7db 0xe306...e808f4
+ 1 polygon-erc-1155/0x4ebaef305f581f4d66d63a3167fec04b0d3139dd
0xff89...9ceb6d 0x0000...000000
- 44 PIX-A
0xff89...9ceb6d 0xf715...9b3eb7
+ 44 PIX-A
0x399d...49b37f 0x0000...000000
- 44 PIX-A
0x399d...49b37f 0x3181...e4d64e
+ 44 PIX-A
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