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Mined on

Transaction Address Amount
0xb758...f52fcb 0xe86f...909962
- 0.000000000002238588 MATIC
0xb758...f52fcb the-void
+ 0.000000000002238588 MATIC
0xb758...f52fcb 0xe86f...909962
- 0.008954352 MATIC
0xb758...f52fcb 0xf024...ad80b0
+ 0.008954352 MATIC
0xb758...f52fcb 0xe86f...909962
0xb758...f52fcb 0x3c49...5c3359
0xed51...7fda01 0x8b26...ff6f1a
- 0.000000000004566708 MATIC
0xed51...7fda01 the-void
+ 0.000000000004566708 MATIC
0xed51...7fda01 0x8b26...ff6f1a
- 0.016682094009991826 MATIC
0xed51...7fda01 0xf024...ad80b0
+ 0.016682094009991826 MATIC
Transaction Address Amount
0x8b00...78b7ee 0x4f80...ce8087
- 0.846 MATIC
0x8b00...78b7ee 0xa133...bc52ed
+ 0.846 MATIC
0x8b00...78b7ee 0x4f80...ce8087
- 0.054 MATIC
0x8b00...78b7ee 0xb6a9...242875
+ 0.054 MATIC
0x9e4e...6504aa 0x0d50...df1270
- 164.694506350213398808 MATIC
0x9e4e...6504aa 0x68b3...65fc45
+ 164.694506350213398808 MATIC
0x9e4e...6504aa 0x68b3...65fc45
- 164.694506350213398808 MATIC
0x9e4e...6504aa 0x2f2d...0f0c99
+ 164.694506350213398808 MATIC
0x9e4e...6504aa 0x2f2d...0f0c99
- 0.494083519050640196 MATIC
0x9e4e...6504aa 0x92c2...4162fb
+ 0.494083519050640196 MATIC
Transaction Address Amount
0xb758...f52fcb 0xe86f...909962
- 19,294.108003 USDC
0xb758...f52fcb 0x2faa...486b69
+ 19,294.108003 USDC
0xed51...7fda01 0x19c5...315147
- 0.037438376150166818 WETH · 98.75 USD
0xed51...7fda01 0x8b26...ff6f1a
+ 0.037438376150166818 WETH · 98.75 USD
0xed51...7fda01 0x8b26...ff6f1a
- 97.98644 USDC
0xed51...7fda01 0x19c5...315147
+ 97.98644 USDC
0x7fbd...8048fa 0x6dd2...876c3e
- 985 OPX
0x7fbd...8048fa 0x8def...b67f74
+ 985 OPX
0x544c...f86c30 0xb580...019015
- 400 OPX
0x544c...f86c30 0xfef7...abfca3
+ 400 OPX
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0.32 USD
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