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Mined on

Transaction Address Amount
0x78f2...4e10fa 0x6439...152555
- 0.00000000000075603 MATIC
0x78f2...4e10fa the-void
+ 0.00000000000075603 MATIC
0x78f2...4e10fa 0x6439...152555
- 0.03092849999924397 MATIC
0x78f2...4e10fa 0x794e...0c5888
+ 0.03092849999924397 MATIC
0x78f2...4e10fa 0x6439...152555
0x78f2...4e10fa 0xa9d4...9b2ca8
0x380e...447d8c 0xfcf3...a366fd
- 0.000000000000756294 MATIC
0x380e...447d8c the-void
+ 0.000000000000756294 MATIC
0x380e...447d8c 0xfcf3...a366fd
- 0.030939299999243706 MATIC
0x380e...447d8c 0x794e...0c5888
+ 0.030939299999243706 MATIC
Transaction Address Amount
0x05b9...8a332e 0x0bde...449258
- 0.007345530005631573 MATIC
0x05b9...8a332e 0xa4ca...0736d6
+ 0.007345530005631573 MATIC
0x449d...92f06d 0x5416...aeee1d
- 0.27612 MATIC
0x449d...92f06d 0x2d95...b30562
+ 0.27612 MATIC
0x449d...92f06d 0x2d95...b30562
- 0.27612 MATIC
0x449d...92f06d 0x2c30...69b57a
+ 0.27612 MATIC
0x449d...92f06d 0x2c30...69b57a
- 0.27612 MATIC
0x449d...92f06d 0x10e8...749bce
+ 0.27612 MATIC
0xe791...c5c28d 0xe0cc...dcad12
- 0.01 MATIC
0xe791...c5c28d 0x6c41...1816e5
+ 0.01 MATIC
Transaction Address Amount
0x78f2...4e10fa 0x6439...152555
- 198.85 KTC
0x78f2...4e10fa 0x8efd...d0343e
+ 198.85 KTC
0x380e...447d8c 0xfcf3...a366fd
- 199.82 KTC
0x380e...447d8c 0xac31...5410bd
+ 199.82 KTC
0x72e4...e7d095 0x796a...627490
- 180.42 KTC
0x72e4...e7d095 0x3cfe...81f935
+ 180.42 KTC
0xe0e0...61ebc0 0x6439...152555
- 198.85 KTC
0xe0e0...61ebc0 0x4e84...910d82
+ 198.85 KTC
0x5935...9a6156 0x4ccd...96f9b1
- 0.193739415130347035 WETH · 524.91 USD
0x5935...9a6156 0x0f00...c88280
+ 0.193739415130347035 WETH · 524.91 USD
Transaction Address Amount
0x55c2...5491bf 0x0000...000000
- 1 polygon-erc-1155/0xf5279440e1da8fc1bf27ea7d64db90373e2559c0
0x55c2...5491bf 0xf56f...e8a85d
+ 1 polygon-erc-1155/0xf5279440e1da8fc1bf27ea7d64db90373e2559c0
0x2a44...2df1e1 0x0000...000000
- 1 polygon-erc-1155/0xf5279440e1da8fc1bf27ea7d64db90373e2559c0
0x2a44...2df1e1 0xf56f...e8a85d
+ 1 polygon-erc-1155/0xf5279440e1da8fc1bf27ea7d64db90373e2559c0
0x9f04...0bf218 0x0000...000000
- 1 polygon-erc-1155/0xf5279440e1da8fc1bf27ea7d64db90373e2559c0
0x9f04...0bf218 0xf56f...e8a85d
+ 1 polygon-erc-1155/0xf5279440e1da8fc1bf27ea7d64db90373e2559c0
0x7864...fddf9f 0x0000...000000
- 1 PIX-A
0x7864...fddf9f 0x487a...ef677c
+ 1 PIX-A
0xb4fb...80fa4e 0x0000...000000
- 99 PIX-A
0xb4fb...80fa4e 0x1250...e047dd
+ 99 PIX-A
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0.45 USD
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