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Mined on

Transaction Address Amount
0x900e...c998b2 0x9b90...7936fa
- 0.000000000002338367 MATIC
0x900e...c998b2 the-void
+ 0.000000000002338367 MATIC
0x900e...c998b2 0x9b90...7936fa
- 0.006980199997661633 MATIC
0x900e...c998b2 0xfccc...e5e098
+ 0.006980199997661633 MATIC
0x900e...c998b2 0x9b90...7936fa
0x900e...c998b2 0x87fc...142451
0x83fa...32d117 0x850f...5e3639
- 0.000000000023755587 MATIC
0x83fa...32d117 the-void
+ 0.000000000023755587 MATIC
0x83fa...32d117 0x850f...5e3639
- 0.035456099976244413 MATIC
0x83fa...32d117 0xfccc...e5e098
+ 0.035456099976244413 MATIC
Transaction Address Amount
0x900e...c998b2 0x9b90...7936fa
- 135 CPLE
0x900e...c998b2 0x6e6c...6fb1fb
+ 135 CPLE
0x83fa...32d117 0x0000...000000
- 7.2 FT
0x83fa...32d117 0x850f...5e3639
+ 7.2 FT
0xfa48...8bf17c 0x6dd2...876c3e
- 1,980 OPX
0xfa48...8bf17c 0x0349...a4c3a8
+ 1,980 OPX
0x7eb6...1c1a27 0xbb1e...80eafe
- 1,800 OPX
0x7eb6...1c1a27 0xfef7...abfca3
+ 1,800 OPX
0xa2c9...bd2338 0x4ccd...96f9b1
- 0.028493669232573056 WETH · 71.43 USD
0xa2c9...bd2338 0x802b...3f328b
+ 0.028493669232573056 WETH · 71.43 USD
Transaction Address Amount
0x133c...fc1401 0x0000...000000
- 1 polygon-erc-1155/0x4ebaef305f581f4d66d63a3167fec04b0d3139dd
0x133c...fc1401 0x7330...40fbd0
+ 1 polygon-erc-1155/0x4ebaef305f581f4d66d63a3167fec04b0d3139dd
0x6e6b...de8659 0x8837...9c5508
- 350 PIX-A
0x6e6b...de8659 0x0000...000000
+ 350 PIX-A
0x810e...548ab2 0x80fe...9cdf3e
- 1 polygon-erc-1155/0x4ea1e410e2d3c1322565f503f10ff147f8491304
0x810e...548ab2 0x9750...c21ca3
+ 1 polygon-erc-1155/0x4ea1e410e2d3c1322565f503f10ff147f8491304
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MATIC price

0.29 USD
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