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Mined on

Transaction Address Amount
0x932f...844d07 0xe0cc...dcad12
- 0.01 MATIC
0x932f...844d07 0x988b...644918
+ 0.01 MATIC
0x9fe7...44157e 0x51fc...c4aaa1
- 8.464184918947128201 MATIC
0x9fe7...44157e 0xae9c...feb353
+ 8.464184918947128201 MATIC
0x9fe7...44157e 0xae9c...feb353
- 8.464184918947128201 MATIC
0x9fe7...44157e 0xb8d6...ec7373
+ 8.464184918947128201 MATIC
0x9fe7...44157e 0xb8d6...ec7373
- 0.009087483004735268 MATIC
0x9fe7...44157e 0xd32b...399812
+ 0.009087483004735268 MATIC
0x25fb...667f0c 0xb8d6...ec7373
- 13.800064112561359804 MATIC
0x25fb...667f0c 0x9730...0a86bf
+ 13.800064112561359804 MATIC
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