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Mined on

Transaction Address Amount
0xee20...982d36 0x0df0...ed3007
- 0.000024651056147796 MATIC
0xee20...982d36 the-void
+ 0.000024651056147796 MATIC
0xee20...982d36 0x0df0...ed3007
- 0.012720860943852204 MATIC
0xee20...982d36 0xeedb...afbfc0
+ 0.012720860943852204 MATIC
0xee20...982d36 0x0df0...ed3007
0xee20...982d36 0x2791...a84174
0x63c7...df6ec8 0xe87f...b769f3
- 0.000035724264169626 MATIC
0x63c7...df6ec8 the-void
+ 0.000035724264169626 MATIC
0x63c7...df6ec8 0xe87f...b769f3
- 0.004575031968894904 MATIC
0x63c7...df6ec8 0xeedb...afbfc0
+ 0.004575031968894904 MATIC
Transaction Address Amount
0xee20...982d36 0x0df0...ed3007
- 115.615845 USDC · 115.60 USD
0xee20...982d36 0x5fed...35dead
+ 115.615845 USDC · 115.60 USD
0x6f48...752446 0x0000...000000
- 0.013632 LPUSDC
0x6f48...752446 0xc23c...eaca89
+ 0.013632 LPUSDC
0x425e...136db7 0xb80d...62df95
- 2,388.907064399999999999 WIFI
0x425e...136db7 0xe37e...57bd09
+ 2,388.907064399999999999 WIFI
0x425e...136db7 0xcf0b...550a96
- 49.771182 USDC · 49.76 USD
0x425e...136db7 0x1111...960582
+ 49.771182 USDC · 49.76 USD
0x425e...136db7 0xe37e...57bd09
- 1,194.453532199999999999 WIFI
0x425e...136db7 0xcf0b...550a96
+ 1,194.453532199999999999 WIFI
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0.31 USD
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