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Mined on

Transaction Address Amount
0x7709...52e964 0x41e6...ff3045
- 156.389999999999803392 DIMO
0x7709...52e964 0x0303...657b2b
+ 156.389999999999803392 DIMO
0x7709...52e964 0x8308...7dfdb9
- 52.588587146678323234 WMATIC
0x7709...52e964 0x41e6...ff3045
+ 52.588587146678323234 WMATIC
0x7709...52e964 0x8308...7dfdb9
- 0.26348803012924003 WMATIC
0x7709...52e964 0xb80d...62df95
+ 0.26348803012924003 WMATIC
0x100c...301b2f 0xb80d...62df95
- 45.221153394773467136 WMATIC
0x100c...301b2f 0x8308...7dfdb9
+ 45.221153394773467136 WMATIC
0x100c...301b2f 0x41e6...ff3045
- 133.80999999999983616 DIMO
0x100c...301b2f 0x0303...657b2b
+ 133.80999999999983616 DIMO
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0.24 USD
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