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Mined on

Transaction Address Amount
0x1e8d...364730 0xef89...09cab1
- 0.000000000019226742 MATIC
0x1e8d...364730 the-void
+ 0.000000000019226742 MATIC
0x1e8d...364730 0xef89...09cab1
- 0.014675303903941128 MATIC
0x1e8d...364730 0xdfe6...9d79ce
+ 0.014675303903941128 MATIC
0x1e8d...364730 0xef89...09cab1
0x1e8d...364730 0xdd59...99a68d
0x8c55...83b8df 0xb5af...7a3bff
- 0.00000000023626725 MATIC
0x8c55...83b8df the-void
+ 0.00000000023626725 MATIC
0x8c55...83b8df 0xb5af...7a3bff
- 0.11197500002724725 MATIC
0x8c55...83b8df 0xdfe6...9d79ce
+ 0.11197500002724725 MATIC
Transaction Address Amount
0x399e...451be3 0x0d50...df1270
- 22.501781583223168857 MATIC
0x399e...451be3 0x2595...ea6201
+ 22.501781583223168857 MATIC
0x399e...451be3 0x2595...ea6201
- 23 MATIC
0x399e...451be3 0xeaf5...fb0260
+ 23 MATIC
0x399e...451be3 0xeaf5...fb0260
- 22.54 MATIC
0x399e...451be3 0x4d33...cf6ac9
+ 22.54 MATIC
0x399e...451be3 0xeaf5...fb0260
- 0.46 MATIC
0x399e...451be3 0xd207...d28788
+ 0.46 MATIC
0x9367...02da2e 0x76fd...504b63
- 0.618 MATIC
0x9367...02da2e 0x621b...137cdd
+ 0.618 MATIC
Transaction Address Amount
0x3387...920152 0x479e...b57ee0
- 7,252.353549036568820813 WMATIC
0x3387...920152 0x2d72...6ce9f8
+ 7,252.353549036568820813 WMATIC
0x3387...920152 0x2d72...6ce9f8
- 1.094835748420452352 WETH · 3,727.41 USD
0x3387...920152 0x479e...b57ee0
+ 1.094835748420452352 WETH · 3,727.41 USD
0x3387...920152 0x479e...b57ee0
- 0.000129738036187823 WETH · 0.44 USD
0x3387...920152 0x36e6...ba5c80
+ 0.000129738036187823 WETH · 0.44 USD
0x0a35...6405e1 0x6dd2...876c3e
- 490 OPX
0x0a35...6405e1 0x1aa3...3a62d7
+ 490 OPX
0xd9c4...212903 0xbd99...652e66
- 0.441 USDC · 0.44 USD
0xd9c4...212903 0xc5d5...20f80a
+ 0.441 USDC · 0.44 USD
Transaction Address Amount
0xd9c4...212903 0xc631...4d2e8d
- 2,450,000 polygon-erc-1155/0x4d97dcd97ec945f40cf65f87097ace5ea0476045
0xd9c4...212903 0xc5d5...20f80a
+ 2,450,000 polygon-erc-1155/0x4d97dcd97ec945f40cf65f87097ace5ea0476045
0xd9c4...212903 0xc5d5...20f80a
- 2,450,000 polygon-erc-1155/0x4d97dcd97ec945f40cf65f87097ace5ea0476045
0xd9c4...212903 0xbd99...652e66
+ 2,450,000 polygon-erc-1155/0x4d97dcd97ec945f40cf65f87097ace5ea0476045
0xdacf...6ebef1 0x0000...000000
- 1 polygon-erc-1155/0xda320de1c535e6b30485a6ff6d0da105ab9bafb6
0xdacf...6ebef1 0xdf38...5f011d
+ 1 polygon-erc-1155/0xda320de1c535e6b30485a6ff6d0da105ab9bafb6
0x399e...451be3 0x4d33...cf6ac9
- 20 MFAC
0x399e...451be3 0x07a7...b5fab3
+ 20 MFAC
0xc082...32f51f 0x0000...000000
- 1 PIX-A
0xc082...32f51f 0xd7e4...3eac14
+ 1 PIX-A
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0.31 USD
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