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Mined on

Transaction Address Amount
0xeda9...d4a25d 0x479e...b57ee0
- 2.177382160236387556 WETH · 7,499.18 USD
0xeda9...d4a25d 0xc6d5...6ae142
+ 2.177382160236387556 WETH · 7,499.18 USD
0xeda9...d4a25d 0xc6d5...6ae142
- 13,850.73103908757307392 WMATIC
0xeda9...d4a25d 0x479e...b57ee0
+ 13,850.73103908757307392 WMATIC
0xeda9...d4a25d 0x479e...b57ee0
- 1.613610166053702263 WMATIC
0xeda9...d4a25d 0x36e6...ba5c80
+ 1.613610166053702263 WMATIC
0x22d8...874970 0xb082...c48962
- 129.72 GMT
0x22d8...874970 0x523e...dee542
+ 129.72 GMT
0x22d8...874970 0xb082...c48962
- 5.52 GMT
0x22d8...874970 0x2637...71888a
+ 5.52 GMT
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