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Mined on

Transaction Address Amount
0x2f3e...33b46c 0x9047...41ee2a
- 798.473931 USDC
0x2f3e...33b46c 0x5341...e6eed9
+ 798.473931 USDC
0x2da0...6985e1 0x8300...b9baf4
- 115.200000000000000032 MFS
0x2da0...6985e1 0x4aac...265f8b
+ 115.200000000000000032 MFS
0x2da0...6985e1 0x4aac...265f8b
- 57.600000000000000016 MFS
0x2da0...6985e1 0x6c34...499238
+ 57.600000000000000016 MFS
0x2da0...6985e1 0x0000...000000
- 57.600000000000000016 RES
0x2da0...6985e1 0x8300...b9baf4
+ 57.600000000000000016 RES
0x2da0...6985e1 0x4aac...265f8b
- 5.760000000000000002 MFS
0x2da0...6985e1 0x8300...b9baf4
+ 5.760000000000000002 MFS
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