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Mined on

Transaction Address Amount
0x1746...440232 0x6b75...8a094a
- 82.947138541737541008 WMATIC
0x1746...440232 0x68b3...65fc45
+ 82.947138541737541008 WMATIC
0x1746...440232 0x2818...cb7116
- 0.00071295 WBTC · 39.82 USD
0x1746...440232 0x6b75...8a094a
+ 0.00071295 WBTC · 39.82 USD
0x1746...440232 0x0a28...e67e4f
- 3.216115685616971101 LINK
0x1746...440232 0x2818...cb7116
+ 3.216115685616971101 LINK
0x1746...440232 0x68b3...65fc45
- 82.947138541737541008 WMATIC
0x1746...440232 0x0a28...e67e4f
+ 82.947138541737541008 WMATIC
0x1746...440232 0x2818...cb7116
- 0.036644802960261798 LINK
0x1746...440232 0x1730...e327e2
+ 0.036644802960261798 LINK
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0.24 USD
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