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Mined on

Transaction Address Amount
0x0415...8a8285 0xfa71...38f9e2
- 0.000000000004539888 MATIC
0x0415...8a8285 the-void
+ 0.000000000004539888 MATIC
0x0415...8a8285 0xfa71...38f9e2
- 0.084071999995460112 MATIC
0x0415...8a8285 0xc84c...46beb5
+ 0.084071999995460112 MATIC
0x0415...8a8285 0xfa71...38f9e2
0x0415...8a8285 0xf1d8...2d5705
0x2041...4f7a0a 0xe898...95180e
- 0.000000000006623802 MATIC
0x2041...4f7a0a the-void
+ 0.000000000006623802 MATIC
0x2041...4f7a0a 0xe898...95180e
- 0.018303064647751354 MATIC
0x2041...4f7a0a 0xc84c...46beb5
+ 0.018303064647751354 MATIC
Transaction Address Amount
0x2041...4f7a0a 0x2ace...c08f7a
- 0.076824965922739281 WETH · 271.32 USD
0x2041...4f7a0a 0xe898...95180e
+ 0.076824965922739281 WETH · 271.32 USD
0x2041...4f7a0a 0xe898...95180e
- 3.073291813165254144 AAVE
0x2041...4f7a0a 0x2ace...c08f7a
+ 3.073291813165254144 AAVE
0xe9a9...3df7b4 0xe8cf...7f9911
- 16 GHT
0xe9a9...3df7b4 0x0000...000000
+ 16 GHT
0xe9a9...3df7b4 0x3c1a...8787f5
- 16 GMT
0xe9a9...3df7b4 0x2637...71888a
+ 16 GMT
0x3aec...df2985 0x7d2a...84c03e
- 80 DAI
0x3aec...df2985 0x8300...b9baf4
+ 80 DAI
Transaction Address Amount
0xbeac...e57403 0x0000...000000
- 1 PIX-A
0xbeac...e57403 0xcf5f...f2eda3
+ 1 PIX-A
0xdf5b...6e49f9 0x0000...000000
- 30 polygon-erc-1155/0x6b44d47104a7918c8debbf077418bf22b2a520ed
0xdf5b...6e49f9 0x06ea...ab1ea2
+ 30 polygon-erc-1155/0x6b44d47104a7918c8debbf077418bf22b2a520ed
0x9c20...7c29a9 0x201d...5560e5
- 1 polygon-erc-1155/0x6b44d47104a7918c8debbf077418bf22b2a520ed
0x9c20...7c29a9 0x0000...000000
+ 1 polygon-erc-1155/0x6b44d47104a7918c8debbf077418bf22b2a520ed
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MATIC price

0.28 USD
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