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Mined on

Transaction Address Amount
0xc743...3755b5 0x38e0...1c275e
- 0.00236489299956144 MATIC
0xc743...3755b5 the-void
+ 0.00236489299956144 MATIC
0xc743...3755b5 0x38e0...1c275e
- 0.030284646 MATIC
0xc743...3755b5 0x9ead...a8b6d0
+ 0.030284646 MATIC
0xc743...3755b5 0x38e0...1c275e
0xc743...3755b5 0x56c7...16e113
0x84e0...b0e8d7 0xfdf9...954d6a
- 0.00030818215232112 MATIC
0x84e0...b0e8d7 the-void
+ 0.00030818215232112 MATIC
0x84e0...b0e8d7 0xfdf9...954d6a
- 0.003866016 MATIC
0x84e0...b0e8d7 0x9ead...a8b6d0
+ 0.003866016 MATIC
There are no events in this module
Transaction Address Amount
0xc743...3755b5 0x3cb9...4bbc4b
- 4.0641 USDC · 4.06 USD
0xc743...3755b5 0x4bfb...b8982e
+ 4.0641 USDC · 4.06 USD
0xc743...3755b5 0xccfd...e1ca40
- 17.3259 USDC · 17.32 USD
0xc743...3755b5 0x4bfb...b8982e
+ 17.3259 USDC · 17.32 USD
0xc743...3755b5 0x4bfb...b8982e
- 21.39 USDC · 21.38 USD
0xc743...3755b5 0x4d97...476045
+ 21.39 USDC · 21.38 USD
0x84e0...b0e8d7 0xfdf9...954d6a
- 499.6431 USDC
0x84e0...b0e8d7 0xe86f...909962
+ 499.6431 USDC
0x03be...46bd89 0x7e69...3af032
- 1 USDT · 0.99 USD
0x03be...46bd89 0x6bd7...339228
+ 1 USDT · 0.99 USD
Transaction Address Amount
0xc743...3755b5 0x4bfb...b8982e
- 21,390,000 polygon-erc-1155/0x4d97dcd97ec945f40cf65f87097ace5ea0476045
0xc743...3755b5 0xccfd...e1ca40
+ 21,390,000 polygon-erc-1155/0x4d97dcd97ec945f40cf65f87097ace5ea0476045
0xc743...3755b5 0x4bfb...b8982e
- 21,390,000 polygon-erc-1155/0x4d97dcd97ec945f40cf65f87097ace5ea0476045
0xc743...3755b5 0x3cb9...4bbc4b
+ 21,390,000 polygon-erc-1155/0x4d97dcd97ec945f40cf65f87097ace5ea0476045
0x2c51...a7e71a 0xb713...600256
- 1 polygon-erc-1155/0x6b44d47104a7918c8debbf077418bf22b2a520ed
0x2c51...a7e71a 0x0000...000000
+ 1 polygon-erc-1155/0x6b44d47104a7918c8debbf077418bf22b2a520ed
0x2a95...d14a8e 0xfb2b...42b04d
- 1 polygon-erc-1155/0x6b44d47104a7918c8debbf077418bf22b2a520ed
0x2a95...d14a8e 0x0000...000000
+ 1 polygon-erc-1155/0x6b44d47104a7918c8debbf077418bf22b2a520ed
0xfb99...10fb3a 0x1ecc...503c53
- 1 ion Team
0xfb99...10fb3a 0xbb5e...61a407
+ 1 ion Team
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0.24 USD
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