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Mined on

Transaction Address Amount
0xd167...cd052e 0x022e...79b11e
- 0.000000001728002284 MATIC
0xd167...cd052e the-void
+ 0.000000001728002284 MATIC
0xd167...cd052e 0x022e...79b11e
- 0.027456498271997716 MATIC
0xd167...cd052e 0xf024...ad80b0
+ 0.027456498271997716 MATIC
0xd167...cd052e 0x022e...79b11e
0xd167...cd052e 0xca73...eb27db
0xe500...45397a 0xd604...2c1638
- 0.000000002599193864 MATIC
0xe500...45397a the-void
+ 0.000000002599193864 MATIC
0xe500...45397a 0xd604...2c1638
- 0.0247794 MATIC
0xe500...45397a 0xf024...ad80b0
+ 0.0247794 MATIC
Transaction Address Amount
0xd167...cd052e 0x022e...79b11e
- 7.56 GENO
0xd167...cd052e 0x3d6b...f41211
+ 7.56 GENO
0x4625...9bf41f 0x9651...206afe
- 80 OPX
0x4625...9bf41f 0xfef7...abfca3
+ 80 OPX
0x30e8...b72fc7 0x57df...e43de4
- 50,000 OPX
0x30e8...b72fc7 0x6dd2...876c3e
+ 50,000 OPX
0xc891...f110cf 0x29e9...eaf2f1
- 57.009946 USDT · 57.02 USD
0xc891...f110cf 0x1cc3...0379c6
+ 57.009946 USDT · 57.02 USD
0xd46a...c859b7 0x1d26...2c5485
- 37.56711128 DAI
0xd46a...c859b7 0xa222...d16361
+ 37.56711128 DAI
Transaction Address Amount
0x35fd...b965ba 0x04a8...00e21e
- 1,002 PIX-A
0x35fd...b965ba 0x0ad4...5d38e5
+ 1,002 PIX-A
0xdf15...c79d2b 0xa40c...a05981
- 1 Primitives
0xdf15...c79d2b 0x6be6...01865a
+ 1 Primitives
0xe50d...99424b 0xaf66...18175e
- 1 polygon-erc-1155/0x76b6bffd69d0568756fa4b30ab07b0445d0d888f
0xe50d...99424b 0xe24c...78960a
+ 1 polygon-erc-1155/0x76b6bffd69d0568756fa4b30ab07b0445d0d888f
0xa01e...5fcc58 0x0000...000000
- 31 PIX-A
0xa01e...5fcc58 0xa231...6a5443
+ 31 PIX-A
0xa01e...5fcc58 0x0000...000000
- 31 PIX-A
0xa01e...5fcc58 0xa231...6a5443
+ 31 PIX-A
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MATIC price

0.31 USD
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