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Mined on

Transaction Address Amount
0x917a...961c1a 0xd604...2c1638
- 0.00000000001442554 MATIC
0x917a...961c1a the-void
+ 0.00000000001442554 MATIC
0x917a...961c1a 0xd604...2c1638
- 0.069801 MATIC
0x917a...961c1a 0x0085...55ce57
+ 0.069801 MATIC
0x917a...961c1a 0xd604...2c1638
0x917a...961c1a 0xfac9...4cacab
0xfc37...c93848 0xc0e6...6318cd
- 0.00000000000652488 MATIC
0xfc37...c93848 the-void
+ 0.00000000000652488 MATIC
0xfc37...c93848 0xc0e6...6318cd
- 0.00841920000042096 MATIC
0xfc37...c93848 0x0085...55ce57
+ 0.00841920000042096 MATIC
Transaction Address Amount
0x0805...d84c99 0xe780...b6e245
- 10.04 USDT · 10.03 USD
0x0805...d84c99 0x7cc4...a266b5
+ 10.04 USDT · 10.03 USD
0xd21e...a17197 0x2902...4dcb88
- 219,999.8 USDT · 219,846.71 USD
0xd21e...a17197 0xbfa1...055df9
+ 219,999.8 USDT · 219,846.71 USD
0x6767...dbb7bd 0x505e...a68fd9
- 1,024.61072 USDT · 1,023.89 USD
0x6767...dbb7bd 0x2764...6d144c
+ 1,024.61072 USDT · 1,023.89 USD
0xe8fa...8de326 0xb2cc...97e1a1
- 300 LUNA
0xe8fa...8de326 0x4b5b...f7632d
+ 300 LUNA
0x943b...1487ce 0x9dac...814433
- 20 DAI
0x943b...1487ce 0xf3a3...e44612
+ 20 DAI
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