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Mined on

Transaction Address Amount
0xe196...2b1f39 0x3706...7890a3
- 0.00000000016626024 MATIC
0xe196...2b1f39 the-void
+ 0.00000000016626024 MATIC
0xe196...2b1f39 0x3706...7890a3
- 0.008418240000210456 MATIC
0xe196...2b1f39 0x67b9...988b49
+ 0.008418240000210456 MATIC
0xe196...2b1f39 0x3706...7890a3
0xe196...2b1f39 0xf6d1...ff67c6
0xab72...b9c84e 0xafd5...8b825e
- 0.00000000034642448 MATIC
0xab72...b9c84e the-void
+ 0.00000000034642448 MATIC
0xab72...b9c84e 0xafd5...8b825e
- 0.013155360381066928 MATIC
0xab72...b9c84e 0x67b9...988b49
+ 0.013155360381066928 MATIC
Transaction Address Amount
0xc8c6...ba4d24 0x161e...55b95c
- 0.007927 MATIC
0xc8c6...ba4d24 0x8a6a...d85f29
+ 0.007927 MATIC
0xc391...ee4f9e 0x0d50...df1270
- 0.000000295996087847 MATIC
0xc391...ee4f9e 0x0000...9ae95f
+ 0.000000295996087847 MATIC
0xc391...ee4f9e 0x0000...9ae95f
- 0.000000295996087847 MATIC
0xc391...ee4f9e 0xb30e...1b1932
+ 0.000000295996087847 MATIC
0x0914...2ab91b 0x1a1e...707d31
- 0.00006 MATIC
0x0914...2ab91b 0xc590...74c02b
+ 0.00006 MATIC
0x0914...2ab91b 0xc590...74c02b
- 0.000059475 MATIC
0x0914...2ab91b 0xdef1...b25eff
+ 0.000059475 MATIC
Transaction Address Amount
0x394d...65fee4 0xde2d...92f624
- 0.193178966788076702 WETH · 580.69 USD
0x394d...65fee4 0xb33b...199346
+ 0.193178966788076702 WETH · 580.69 USD
0x394d...65fee4 0xb33b...199346
- 9,908.728133200596743968 QUICK
0x394d...65fee4 0xde2d...92f624
+ 9,908.728133200596743968 QUICK
0x394d...65fee4 0xde2d...92f624
- 6.069095981585365505 QUICK
0x394d...65fee4 0x36e6...ba5c80
+ 6.069095981585365505 QUICK
0x455b...0c7670 0x34a5...239e66
- 140.67 YL
0x455b...0c7670 0x20a1...44d672
+ 140.67 YL
0x9e3e...9eaa97 0x4938...1c3994
- 5 DAI
0x9e3e...9eaa97 0x4ce0...e6748b
+ 5 DAI
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0.28 USD
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