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Mined on

Transaction Address Amount
0xbfd0...e004c2 0xf5b5...168e12
- 99.669567855899738 MATIC
0xbfd0...e004c2 0x0d50...df1270
+ 99.669567855899738 MATIC
0x35ea...d49d4f 0x647e...639267
- 0.012446320916275306 MATIC
0x35ea...d49d4f 0x7e08...43d521
+ 0.012446320916275306 MATIC
0xb4ce...7b1ae4 0xfc13...3bc939
- 100.1 MATIC
0xb4ce...7b1ae4 0xa9d3...f5d486
+ 100.1 MATIC
0x3243...69f60e 0xc364...11fe88
- 12.411602270226970361 MATIC
0x3243...69f60e 0x0d50...df1270
+ 12.411602270226970361 MATIC
0x3243...69f60e 0xc364...11fe88
- 0.000000000000093897 MATIC
0x3243...69f60e 0x4b60...cfbe1f
+ 0.000000000000093897 MATIC
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