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Mined on

Transaction Address Amount
0xe763...51dc75 0x65f3...cf8a77
- 0.000673335603330962 MATIC
0xe763...51dc75 the-void
+ 0.000673335603330962 MATIC
0xe763...51dc75 0x65f3...cf8a77
- 0.006304464396669038 MATIC
0xe763...51dc75 0x7c73...eafd49
+ 0.006304464396669038 MATIC
0xe763...51dc75 0x65f3...cf8a77
0xe763...51dc75 0x87fc...142451
0x56e0...e7f886 0xede9...7f5f40
- 0.002031393436321106 MATIC
0x56e0...e7f886 the-void
+ 0.002031393436321106 MATIC
0x56e0...e7f886 0xede9...7f5f40
- 0.008319307650135314 MATIC
0x56e0...e7f886 0x7c73...eafd49
+ 0.008319307650135314 MATIC
Transaction Address Amount
0x45e2...afa39a 0x5ff1...6d2789
- 0.00970420935797913 MATIC
0x45e2...afa39a 0xf812...c24791
+ 0.00970420935797913 MATIC
0xd3b4...e457f5 0x5ff1...6d2789
- 0.00970420935797913 MATIC
0xd3b4...e457f5 0xf598...bc7fd6
+ 0.00970420935797913 MATIC
0xccd6...a7932c 0x5ff1...6d2789
- 0.00970420935797913 MATIC
0xccd6...a7932c 0xb5c1...1230ad
+ 0.00970420935797913 MATIC
0x7c3a...e1c696 0x1a8f...72f58e
- 0.143135465034734238 MATIC
0x7c3a...e1c696 0x92c2...4162fb
+ 0.143135465034734238 MATIC
0x7c3a...e1c696 0x1a8f...72f58e
- 47.568686213210011762 MATIC
0x7c3a...e1c696 0x33c6...504696
+ 47.568686213210011762 MATIC
Transaction Address Amount
0xe763...51dc75 0x65f3...cf8a77
- 130 CPLE
0xe763...51dc75 0x6e6c...6fb1fb
+ 130 CPLE
0xed33...8feb3b 0xa374...346d32
- 350.909894 USDC · 350.92 USD
0xed33...8feb3b 0xbfa1...055df9
+ 350.909894 USDC · 350.92 USD
0xed33...8feb3b 0xbfa1...055df9
- 477.5 WMATIC
0xed33...8feb3b 0xa374...346d32
+ 477.5 WMATIC
0x7951...c1278b 0xa374...346d32
- 138.843649 USDC · 138.84 USD
0x7951...c1278b 0x802b...3f328b
+ 138.843649 USDC · 138.84 USD
0x7951...c1278b 0x802b...3f328b
- 188.95042058307463391 WMATIC
0x7951...c1278b 0xa374...346d32
+ 188.95042058307463391 WMATIC
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0.29 USD
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