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Mined on

Transaction Address Amount
0x5d00...f708e0 0xa24b...289f78
- 0.012426565410282712 MATIC
0x5d00...f708e0 the-void
+ 0.012426565410282712 MATIC
0x5d00...f708e0 0xa24b...289f78
- 0.039628392050415038 MATIC
0x5d00...f708e0 0x67b9...988b49
+ 0.039628392050415038 MATIC
0x5d00...f708e0 0xa24b...289f78
0x5d00...f708e0 0xf344...ee07eb
0xcb76...cd845d 0xa24b...289f78
- 0.012426565410282712 MATIC
0xcb76...cd845d the-void
+ 0.012426565410282712 MATIC
0xcb76...cd845d 0xa24b...289f78
- 0.039464004186060896 MATIC
0xcb76...cd845d 0x67b9...988b49
+ 0.039464004186060896 MATIC
Transaction Address Amount
0xf965...031f66 0x0d50...df1270
- 1,978.845778056338033953 MATIC
0xf965...031f66 0xdef1...6fee57
+ 1,978.845778056338033953 MATIC
0xf965...031f66 0xdef1...6fee57
- 1,978.845778056338033953 MATIC
0xf965...031f66 0x0d50...df1270
+ 1,978.845778056338033953 MATIC
0x10ab...73c462 0x0d50...df1270
- 309.716949722796529317 MATIC
0x10ab...73c462 0x86ef...164aab
+ 309.716949722796529317 MATIC
0x10ab...73c462 0x86ef...164aab
- 309.716949722796529317 MATIC
0x10ab...73c462 0x1a8f...72f58e
+ 309.716949722796529317 MATIC
0x10ab...73c462 0x1a8f...72f58e
- 0.929150849168389587 MATIC
0x10ab...73c462 0x92c2...4162fb
+ 0.929150849168389587 MATIC
Transaction Address Amount
0xd627...368178 0x553d...82205c
- 2.22892 WMATIC
0xd627...368178 0xf87b...72bc2b
+ 2.22892 WMATIC
0xd627...368178 0xf87b...72bc2b
- 3.440067335456443648 WIXS
0xd627...368178 0x553d...82205c
+ 3.440067335456443648 WIXS
0xbd6c...fc6bdf 0x5cc7...c29a05
- 2,000 OPX
0xbd6c...fc6bdf 0xfef7...abfca3
+ 2,000 OPX
0xf965...031f66 0xca74...a65597
- 0.5 WETH · 1,739.70 USD
0xf965...031f66 0xdef1...6fee57
+ 0.5 WETH · 1,739.70 USD
0xf965...031f66 0x86f1...e618e0
- 1,978.845778056338033953 WMATIC
0xf965...031f66 0xdef1...6fee57
+ 1,978.845778056338033953 WMATIC
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