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Transaction Address Amount
0x2a7a...eeff8a 0x7211...7289fb
- 0.57252135 WBTC · 39,790.14 USD
0x2a7a...eeff8a 0x078f...33a249
+ 0.57252135 WBTC · 39,790.14 USD
0x2a7a...eeff8a 0x0000...000000
- 0.57252135 aPolWBTC
0x2a7a...eeff8a 0xcaf7...c7befb
+ 0.57252135 aPolWBTC
0x2a7a...eeff8a 0x0000...000000
- 0.000000411801004165 aPolWETH
0x2a7a...eeff8a 0xcaf7...c7befb
+ 0.000000411801004165 aPolWETH
0x2a7a...eeff8a 0xcaf7...c7befb
- 10.6329813816496 aPolWETH
0x2a7a...eeff8a 0x7211...7289fb
+ 10.6329813816496 aPolWETH
0x2a7a...eeff8a 0x7211...7289fb
- 10.6329813816496 aPolWETH
0x2a7a...eeff8a 0x0000...000000
+ 10.6329813816496 aPolWETH
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