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Mined on

Transaction Address Amount
0xdb0a...452714 0xd604...2c1638
- 0.004162278844716845 MATIC
0xdb0a...452714 the-void
+ 0.004162278844716845 MATIC
0xdb0a...452714 0xd604...2c1638
- 0.0182373 MATIC
0xdb0a...452714 0xa8b5...7c6020
+ 0.0182373 MATIC
0xdb0a...452714 0xd604...2c1638
0xdb0a...452714 0xfac9...4cacab
0xa4a2...d058fa 0xd494...ec850f
- 0.00687671921909462 MATIC
0xa4a2...d058fa the-void
+ 0.00687671921909462 MATIC
0xa4a2...d058fa 0xd494...ec850f
- 0.02325408078090538 MATIC
0xa4a2...d058fa 0xa8b5...7c6020
+ 0.02325408078090538 MATIC
Transaction Address Amount
0x5471...0e2f05 0x2ac4...b8026a
- 0.225 MATIC
0x5471...0e2f05 0xc6b7...888dbb
+ 0.225 MATIC
0x5471...0e2f05 0x2ac4...b8026a
- 0.0125 MATIC
0x5471...0e2f05 0x509b...68af05
+ 0.0125 MATIC
0xe125...9e50c3 0x4496...9fea63
- 8.47235636 MATIC
0xe125...9e50c3 0x73a5...e37eb7
+ 8.47235636 MATIC
0x159a...7b0206 0x0e1f...2cf76d
- 0.042585266242874106 MATIC
0x159a...7b0206 0x3c22...53cf62
+ 0.042585266242874106 MATIC
0x159a...7b0206 0x3c22...53cf62
- 0.042585266242874106 MATIC
0x159a...7b0206 0x4d73...a178e2
+ 0.042585266242874106 MATIC
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