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Mined on

Transaction Address Amount
0xefc7...bad1aa 0x0bb2...5f1ecc
- 0.004703661757878277 MATIC
0xefc7...bad1aa the-void
+ 0.004703661757878277 MATIC
0xefc7...bad1aa 0x0bb2...5f1ecc
- 0.018848802652755967 MATIC
0xefc7...bad1aa 0xa8b5...7c6020
+ 0.018848802652755967 MATIC
0xefc7...bad1aa 0x0bb2...5f1ecc
0xefc7...bad1aa 0x2f3e...f76eeb
0x505d...c18b2b 0x132b...3692cb
- 0.002164394532971974 MATIC
0x505d...c18b2b the-void
+ 0.002164394532971974 MATIC
0x505d...c18b2b 0x132b...3692cb
- 0.006790745289948992 MATIC
0x505d...c18b2b 0xa8b5...7c6020
+ 0.006790745289948992 MATIC
Transaction Address Amount
0xefc7...bad1aa 0x2f3e...f76eeb
- 286.747663997768 WMATIC
0xefc7...bad1aa 0xbb19...39df9b
+ 286.747663997768 WMATIC
0xefc7...bad1aa 0xbb19...39df9b
- 8,078,755.496914989994832286 GONE
0xefc7...bad1aa 0x2f3e...f76eeb
+ 8,078,755.496914989994832286 GONE
0x76e0...e0f5ae 0xf474...0d9a3f
- 6,000 MV
0x76e0...e0f5ae 0x9fef...23ef5e
+ 6,000 MV
0xf8b5...ff2e68 0x1d85...2b2e53
- 21.567881 USDT · 21.61 USD
0xf8b5...ff2e68 0xe67e...5e7f26
+ 21.567881 USDT · 21.61 USD
0x60d0...8590c7 0x39d1...49ef05
- 33 LFG
0x60d0...8590c7 0x0000...000000
+ 33 LFG
Transaction Address Amount
0x305a...360d7f 0x0000...000000
- 1 PIX-A
0x305a...360d7f 0x3ce9...cda95e
+ 1 PIX-A
0xe940...6b58db 0x4778...4fd431
- 25,000,000,000,000,000,000 GNUS
0xe940...6b58db 0x39e3...7b0e63
+ 25,000,000,000,000,000,000 GNUS
0xe940...6b58db 0x39e3...7b0e63
- 25,000,000,000,000,000,000 GNUS
0xe940...6b58db 0x7a8f...81f650
+ 25,000,000,000,000,000,000 GNUS
0xe940...6b58db 0x7a8f...81f650
- 25,000,000,000,000,000,000 GNUS
0xe940...6b58db 0x4512...6fb83f
+ 25,000,000,000,000,000,000 GNUS
0xd755...290355 0x0000...000000
- 1 polygon-erc-1155/0xeb959a715dfffe6f82f4605533982c4859cb14fe
0xd755...290355 0x0036...9e21fd
+ 1 polygon-erc-1155/0xeb959a715dfffe6f82f4605533982c4859cb14fe
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MATIC price

0.48 USD
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