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Mined on

Transaction Address Amount
0xfe27...7f34a1 0x505e...a68fd9
- 0.000304271426991 MATIC
0xfe27...7f34a1 the-void
+ 0.000304271426991 MATIC
0xfe27...7f34a1 0x505e...a68fd9
- 0.001594140483075 MATIC
0xfe27...7f34a1 0xa8b5...7c6020
+ 0.001594140483075 MATIC
0xfe27...7f34a1 0x505e...a68fd9
- 26.90253995 MATIC
0xfe27...7f34a1 0xc15f...8813ac
+ 26.90253995 MATIC
0xc22a...90269a 0xe780...b6e245
- 0.000830313256911726 MATIC
0xc22a...90269a the-void
+ 0.000830313256911726 MATIC
0xc22a...90269a 0xe780...b6e245
- 0.004345445991416622 MATIC
0xc22a...90269a 0xa8b5...7c6020
+ 0.004345445991416622 MATIC
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0.24 USD
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