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Mined on

Transaction Address Amount
0x3d10...e0b3f4 0x8666...e12aa9
- 0.000299924927148 MATIC
0x3d10...e0b3f4 the-void
+ 0.000299924927148 MATIC
0x3d10...e0b3f4 0x8666...e12aa9
- 0.0231 MATIC
0x3d10...e0b3f4 0xeedb...afbfc0
+ 0.0231 MATIC
0x3d10...e0b3f4 0x8666...e12aa9
- 0.109092 MATIC
0x3d10...e0b3f4 0xd289...7f204b
+ 0.109092 MATIC
0x3c02...376c27 0x88bc...735605
- 0.000299924927148 MATIC
0x3c02...376c27 the-void
+ 0.000299924927148 MATIC
0x3c02...376c27 0x88bc...735605
- 0.003355669868397 MATIC
0x3c02...376c27 0xeedb...afbfc0
+ 0.003355669868397 MATIC
Transaction Address Amount
0x80ad...19d6e5 0xe6c4...2ca28e
- 1 polygon-erc-1155/0x74f17b045f804fddb61b508af745803c666b2574
0x80ad...19d6e5 0xf048...f6c608
+ 1 polygon-erc-1155/0x74f17b045f804fddb61b508af745803c666b2574
0x33fd...b8fec7 0x0000...000000
- 1 polygon-erc-1155/0xf5279440e1da8fc1bf27ea7d64db90373e2559c0
0x33fd...b8fec7 0xaca4...331234
+ 1 polygon-erc-1155/0xf5279440e1da8fc1bf27ea7d64db90373e2559c0
0x9528...c2e950 0xd0c0...cc95e6
- 1 NFT
0x9528...c2e950 0x6e20...b549d3
+ 1 NFT
0xfeb7...a099db 0x4697...16c88d
- 25 PIX-A
0xfeb7...a099db 0x0000...000000
+ 25 PIX-A
0xfeb7...a099db 0x0000...000000
- 1 PIX-A
0xfeb7...a099db 0x2af6...6c6d0a
+ 1 PIX-A
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MATIC price

0.32 USD
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