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Mined on

Transaction Address Amount
0x7360...0e7e56 0x61a8...3364b6
- 0.238435726031178857 WMATIC
0x7360...0e7e56 0xa5e0...a678ff
+ 0.238435726031178857 WMATIC
0x7360...0e7e56 0x9330...a7d5eb
- 558,820.199216024 CASHR
0x7360...0e7e56 0x78e0...b789f4
+ 558,820.199216024 CASHR
0x7360...0e7e56 0x9330...a7d5eb
- 55,323,199.722386451 CASHR
0x7360...0e7e56 0x61a8...3364b6
+ 55,323,199.722386451 CASHR
0x7360...0e7e56 0x61a8...3364b6
- 0.051633579602940262 WMATIC
0x7360...0e7e56 0x9330...a7d5eb
+ 0.051633579602940262 WMATIC
0xa8f9...0fa8dc 0xcbf4...26014d
- 0.000008696247665884 UNI-V2
0xa8f9...0fa8dc 0x401c...d4e36c
+ 0.000008696247665884 UNI-V2
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