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Mined on

Transaction Address Amount
0xf75b...3bd26e 0x7b36...c6115d
- 19.896538002387583 MATIC
0xf75b...3bd26e 0xb6ea...c2b52a
+ 19.896538002387583 MATIC
0xf75b...3bd26e 0xb6ea...c2b52a
- 19.896538002387583 MATIC
0xf75b...3bd26e 0x0d50...df1270
+ 19.896538002387583 MATIC
0x9e01...d959c4 0x0e1f...2cf76d
- 0.050166051512550666 MATIC
0x9e01...d959c4 0x3c22...53cf62
+ 0.050166051512550666 MATIC
0x9e01...d959c4 0x3c22...53cf62
- 0.050166051512550666 MATIC
0x9e01...d959c4 0x4d73...a178e2
+ 0.050166051512550666 MATIC
0xac99...5c7d88 0xf8ac...6c1f88
- 34.57506399885 MATIC
0xac99...5c7d88 0x2f98...37c6f7
+ 34.57506399885 MATIC
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0.24 USD
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