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Mined on

Transaction Address Amount
0x68c9...126eb5 0xdb6f...b1f498
- 541.068896162677611251 NAKA
0x68c9...126eb5 0x1ad3...ac7651
+ 541.068896162677611251 NAKA
0x68c9...126eb5 0xdb6f...b1f498
- 157.084518240777388749 NAKA
0x68c9...126eb5 0x9eb7...6fc605
+ 157.084518240777388749 NAKA
0x68c9...126eb5 0x9eb7...6fc605
- 316.437604 USDC · 316.44 USD
0x68c9...126eb5 0x6e7a...f14827
+ 316.437604 USDC · 316.44 USD
0x68c9...126eb5 0x6e7a...f14827
- 388.934225330696865673 WMATIC
0x68c9...126eb5 0xdb6f...b1f498
+ 388.934225330696865673 WMATIC
0xdf67...94fb09 0xdef1...b25eff
- 19.825 WMATIC
0xdf67...94fb09 0x7667...af924d
+ 19.825 WMATIC
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