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Mined on

Transaction Address Amount
0xd19e...27903e 0x5004...1cbd1a
- 0.000153273260889 MATIC
0xd19e...27903e the-void
+ 0.000153273260889 MATIC
0xd19e...27903e 0x5004...1cbd1a
- 0.03018355880232 MATIC
0xd19e...27903e 0x959c...fc5e0d
+ 0.03018355880232 MATIC
0xd19e...27903e 0x5004...1cbd1a
0xd19e...27903e 0x5004...1cbd1a
0x51af...477ffe 0x90f7...c4d82b
- 0.000745243789349154 MATIC
0x51af...477ffe the-void
+ 0.000745243789349154 MATIC
0x51af...477ffe 0x90f7...c4d82b
- 0.056220192919814082 MATIC
0x51af...477ffe 0x959c...fc5e0d
+ 0.056220192919814082 MATIC
Transaction Address Amount
0x8860...8d1858 0xcb82...a0d2b8
- 0.012063304444089352 MATIC
0x8860...8d1858 0x3392...01e3fa
+ 0.012063304444089352 MATIC
0x3f53...74807a 0x8436...e90f1a
- 0.001474660734723609 MATIC
0x3f53...74807a 0xe270...181994
+ 0.001474660734723609 MATIC
0x3f53...74807a 0x8436...e90f1a
- 0.001534168542498289 MATIC
0x3f53...74807a 0xf3e5...6dff19
+ 0.001534168542498289 MATIC
0xb0fa...1189fe 0x0000...af14dc
- 0.0080858868824 MATIC
0xb0fa...1189fe 0x0000...faa719
+ 0.0080858868824 MATIC
0xb0fa...1189fe 0x0000...af14dc
- 0.0161717737648 MATIC
0xb0fa...1189fe 0x6c0c...33e5b4
+ 0.0161717737648 MATIC
Transaction Address Amount
0x51af...477ffe 0x2487...0e33ce
- 30.03806 USDC · 30.03 USD
0x51af...477ffe 0x8da3...f95ac3
+ 30.03806 USDC · 30.03 USD
0x51af...477ffe 0x8da3...f95ac3
- 988.681365711418787734 ZIG
0x51af...477ffe 0x2487...0e33ce
+ 988.681365711418787734 ZIG
0x8860...8d1858 0x0000...000000
- 0.122206 LPUSDT
0x8860...8d1858 0x7ba2...b448da
+ 0.122206 LPUSDT
0xb8b2...6edf18 0x1f1e...3bc9cb
- 0.035480993936676614 QUICK
0xb8b2...6edf18 0xc9e1...35158d
+ 0.035480993936676614 QUICK
0xb8b2...6edf18 0xc9e1...35158d
- 0.035480993936676614 QUICK
0xb8b2...6edf18 0x9d6d...cd8b6f
+ 0.035480993936676614 QUICK
Transaction Address Amount
0x7998...c3b1b5 0xb2d0...aa63d5
- 420 PIX-A
0x7998...c3b1b5 0x0000...000000
+ 420 PIX-A
0xd19e...8ce358 0x9844...93fced
- 1 polygon-erc-1155/0x4bb5b2461e9ef782152c3a96698b2a4cf55b6162
0xd19e...8ce358 0x3411...d3a677
+ 1 polygon-erc-1155/0x4bb5b2461e9ef782152c3a96698b2a4cf55b6162
0xad69...11b918 0x0000...000000
- 1 Phi-QOS
0xad69...11b918 0x17a6...1f263b
+ 1 Phi-QOS
0xe05f...8886e6 0x0000...000000
- 44 PIX-A
0xe05f...8886e6 0x76c3...ca804e
+ 44 PIX-A
0xa0b1...5c00af 0x0000...000000
- 10 BFC
0xa0b1...5c00af 0x44b8...6d80f1
+ 10 BFC
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0.30 USD
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