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Mined on

Transaction Address Amount
0x6786...1809e4 0x3eed...1d8358
- 0.00502642823148544 MATIC
0x6786...1809e4 the-void
+ 0.00502642823148544 MATIC
0x6786...1809e4 0x3eed...1d8358
- 0.04822157176851456 MATIC
0x6786...1809e4 0x742d...b97a38
+ 0.04822157176851456 MATIC
0x6786...1809e4 0x3eed...1d8358
0x6786...1809e4 0xd3d9...af1063
0x7411...07bf81 0xc2a5...b734b7
- 0.006666172062680739 MATIC
0x7411...07bf81 the-void
+ 0.006666172062680739 MATIC
0x7411...07bf81 0xc2a5...b734b7
- 0.05396734593276684 MATIC
0x7411...07bf81 0x742d...b97a38
+ 0.05396734593276684 MATIC
Transaction Address Amount
0x8615...61d7b4 0x4d97...476045
- 117.021266 USDC
0x8615...61d7b4 0x39c1...51bb04
+ 117.021266 USDC
0x2155...7689d4 0xe957...232b2e
- 1.59507441022123682 CXO
0x2155...7689d4 0x334a...df01a6
+ 1.59507441022123682 CXO
0x2155...7689d4 0xe957...232b2e
- 1.595074410221236821 CXO
0x2155...7689d4 0x0000...00dead
+ 1.595074410221236821 CXO
0x13dc...8717bc 0x1205...481fe1
- 44.557916 USDC
0x13dc...8717bc 0xfa9b...06e208
+ 44.557916 USDC
0xbe54...d3db84 0x0000...000000
- 0.01 END
0xbe54...d3db84 0x1a58...2132b5
+ 0.01 END
Transaction Address Amount
0x8615...61d7b4 0x39c1...51bb04
- 117,021,266 polygon-erc-1155/0x4d97dcd97ec945f40cf65f87097ace5ea0476045
0x8615...61d7b4 0x0000...000000
+ 117,021,266 polygon-erc-1155/0x4d97dcd97ec945f40cf65f87097ace5ea0476045
0x58ba...ba0b8f 0x0000...000000
- 1 PIX-A
0x58ba...ba0b8f 0xc8af...c85b71
+ 1 PIX-A
0x0f2b...c843d0 0x0000...000000
- 285 PIX-A
0x0f2b...c843d0 0xc4c3...028a4c
+ 285 PIX-A
0x0f2b...c843d0 0x0000...000000
- 15 PIX-A
0x0f2b...c843d0 0x4d23...152315
+ 15 PIX-A
0x4cc8...63d0ce 0x0000...000000
- 1 NFT Voucher
0x4cc8...63d0ce 0xcaca...eedbbc
+ 1 NFT Voucher
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MATIC price

0.27 USD
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