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Mined on

Transaction Address Amount
0x6912...e9e872 0xdb6f...b1f498
- 2.74649948347957102 MATIC
0x6912...e9e872 0xc590...74c02b
+ 2.74649948347957102 MATIC
0x6912...e9e872 0xc590...74c02b
- 0.024031870480446246 MATIC
0x6912...e9e872 0x930d...064eac
+ 0.024031870480446246 MATIC
0x6912...e9e872 0xc590...74c02b
- 2.722467612999124774 MATIC
0x6912...e9e872 0x804a...bf3a68
+ 2.722467612999124774 MATIC
0x468e...14b47e 0x70ea...79e2d2
- 0.095782760375159202 MATIC
0x468e...14b47e 0x3c22...53cf62
+ 0.095782760375159202 MATIC
0x468e...14b47e 0x3c22...53cf62
- 0.095782760375159202 MATIC
0x468e...14b47e 0x4d73...a178e2
+ 0.095782760375159202 MATIC
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0.24 USD
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