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Mined on

Transaction Address Amount
0xb5f3...c6ceea 0x4936...7352ab
- 0.00228844617078 MATIC
0xb5f3...c6ceea the-void
+ 0.00228844617078 MATIC
0xb5f3...c6ceea 0x4936...7352ab
- 0.00264655382922 MATIC
0xb5f3...c6ceea 0x794e...0c5888
+ 0.00264655382922 MATIC
0xb5f3...c6ceea 0x4936...7352ab
- 0.00099999414766688 MATIC
0xb5f3...c6ceea 0xd689...f09ae4
+ 0.00099999414766688 MATIC
0x53a8...283eee 0xfef7...abfca3
- 0.00430565698350898 MATIC
0x53a8...283eee the-void
+ 0.00430565698350898 MATIC
0x53a8...283eee 0xfef7...abfca3
- 0.004819462759227807 MATIC
0x53a8...283eee 0x794e...0c5888
+ 0.004819462759227807 MATIC
Transaction Address Amount
0xa443...a14c2e 0x8761...7b0819
- 0.021993727896087948 MATIC
0xa443...a14c2e 0x7e08...43d521
+ 0.021993727896087948 MATIC
Transaction Address Amount
0x53a8...283eee 0xfef7...abfca3
- 2,000 OPX
0x53a8...283eee 0x9f51...f45817
+ 2,000 OPX
0xd512...a45ec3 0xfef7...abfca3
- 5,000 OPX
0xd512...a45ec3 0xceab...b4cb51
+ 5,000 OPX
0xa443...a14c2e 0x0000...000000
- 12,960 BGEM
0xa443...a14c2e 0xb2f8...2b7d8f
+ 12,960 BGEM
0xdeb4...bc31b8 0x19ab...7d6307
- 405 USDC
0xdeb4...bc31b8 0x33ce...4d01aa
+ 405 USDC
0x539a...6d9957 0xa637...78b612
- 1,405.8444790046656 TOWER
0x539a...6d9957 0xbc8b...b8d996
+ 1,405.8444790046656 TOWER
Transaction Address Amount
0xb23a...6412c3 0x0b53...6a9b29
- 1 polygon-erc-1155/0xc6011091f83810f4aba28154bc5a3c928896dea6
0xb23a...6412c3 0x059c...fe0507
+ 1 polygon-erc-1155/0xc6011091f83810f4aba28154bc5a3c928896dea6
0x4fcc...421546 0x0000...000000
- 1 Voucher
0x4fcc...421546 0x2162...dbbb7e
+ 1 Voucher
0x4fcc...421546 0x0000...000000
- 1 Voucher
0x4fcc...421546 0x07f9...e650b8
+ 1 Voucher
0x4fcc...421546 0x0000...000000
- 1 Voucher
0x4fcc...421546 0xe72f...54b6c3
+ 1 Voucher
0x4fcc...421546 0x0000...000000
- 1 Voucher
0x4fcc...421546 0x98c0...9bad99
+ 1 Voucher
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0.28 USD
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