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Mined on

Transaction Address Amount
0xe9b9...be91be 0xd494...ec850f
- 0.009716781905558468 MATIC
0xe9b9...be91be the-void
+ 0.009716781905558468 MATIC
0xe9b9...be91be 0xd494...ec850f
- 0.017896518094441532 MATIC
0xe9b9...be91be 0x67b9...988b49
+ 0.017896518094441532 MATIC
0xe9b9...be91be 0xd494...ec850f
0xe9b9...be91be 0xf99e...2239f8
0x77a0...214908 0xaf45...6aedb3
- 0.02973134757463036 MATIC
0x77a0...214908 the-void
+ 0.02973134757463036 MATIC
0x77a0...214908 0xaf45...6aedb3
- 0.05332438626558012 MATIC
0x77a0...214908 0x67b9...988b49
+ 0.05332438626558012 MATIC
Transaction Address Amount
0x0006...007044 0x8761...7b0819
- 0.017515058089808967 MATIC
0x0006...007044 0x7e08...43d521
+ 0.017515058089808967 MATIC
0xbcb8...11c1be 0xa184...a50cf4
- 0.079887757135986903 MATIC
0xbcb8...11c1be 0x3c22...53cf62
+ 0.079887757135986903 MATIC
0xbcb8...11c1be 0x3c22...53cf62
- 0.079887757135986903 MATIC
0xbcb8...11c1be 0x4d73...a178e2
+ 0.079887757135986903 MATIC
Transaction Address Amount
0x71d5...6bcaea 0x32e9...24050d
- 2.7786 BINCOME
0x71d5...6bcaea 0xbbfa...980eb6
+ 2.7786 BINCOME
0x718b...b2c8a5 0x32e9...24050d
- 3.2106 BINCOME
0x718b...b2c8a5 0xc587...e880a1
+ 3.2106 BINCOME
0x262e...db77e3 0x32e9...24050d
- 2.1341 BINCOME
0x262e...db77e3 0x6dde...139aea
+ 2.1341 BINCOME
0x93ca...b0c1a9 0x32e9...24050d
- 0.4611 BINCOME
0x93ca...b0c1a9 0x17ae...48af10
+ 0.4611 BINCOME
0xfb0d...816b9e 0x32e9...24050d
- 1.2377 BINCOME
0xfb0d...816b9e 0xbe61...b0fd01
+ 1.2377 BINCOME
Transaction Address Amount
0x8592...324d3b 0x0000...000000
- 36 PIX-A
0x8592...324d3b 0x263a...0deca0
+ 36 PIX-A
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0.31 USD
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