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Mined on

Transaction Address Amount
0x9b18...41146f 0xd99a...dbe0c3
- 0.1901745678836442 MATIC
0x9b18...41146f the-void
+ 0.1901745678836442 MATIC
0x9b18...41146f 0xd99a...dbe0c3
- 0.503038751502457404 MATIC
0x9b18...41146f 0x1ca9...5beb3f
+ 0.503038751502457404 MATIC
0x9b18...41146f 0xd99a...dbe0c3
0x9b18...41146f 0x5523...d7227e
0xe8b7...d71510 0xd99a...dbe0c3
- 0.0127090887775386 MATIC
0xe8b7...d71510 the-void
+ 0.0127090887775386 MATIC
0xe8b7...d71510 0xd99a...dbe0c3
- 0.033617345487007932 MATIC
0xe8b7...d71510 0x1ca9...5beb3f
+ 0.033617345487007932 MATIC
Transaction Address Amount
0x0820...0cd303 0x2887...5c95c0
- 0.0001 MATIC
0x0820...0cd303 0x1111...960582
+ 0.0001 MATIC
0x0820...0cd303 0x1111...960582
- 0.0001 MATIC
0x0820...0cd303 0xce9c...b27eff
+ 0.0001 MATIC
0x0820...0cd303 0xce9c...b27eff
- 0.0001 MATIC
0x0820...0cd303 0x0d50...df1270
+ 0.0001 MATIC
0x1e47...ee2a6d 0x45a0...2033cd
- 0.313276763009089089 MATIC
0x1e47...ee2a6d 0x9d1b...25b944
+ 0.313276763009089089 MATIC
0x1e47...ee2a6d 0x9d1b...25b944
- 0.313276763009089089 MATIC
0x1e47...ee2a6d 0x3c22...53cf62
+ 0.313276763009089089 MATIC
Transaction Address Amount
0x9b18...41146f 0xb8f2...9e81a8
- 0.0004 WETH · 0.65 USD
0x9b18...41146f 0x5523...d7227e
+ 0.0004 WETH · 0.65 USD
0x9b18...41146f 0xb8f2...9e81a8
- 0.343727779524483653 WETH · 559.35 USD
0x9b18...41146f 0xe75c...ba9877
+ 0.343727779524483653 WETH · 559.35 USD
0x9b18...41146f 0xe75c...ba9877
- 0.343727779524483653 WETH · 559.35 USD
0x9b18...41146f 0xce9c...b27eff
+ 0.343727779524483653 WETH · 559.35 USD
0x9b18...41146f 0xce9c...b27eff
- 0.343727779524483653 WETH · 559.35 USD
0x9b18...41146f 0x1d8b...41b7c8
+ 0.343727779524483653 WETH · 559.35 USD
0x9b18...41146f 0x0000...000000
- 0.000018154328570917 amWETH
0x9b18...41146f 0xe859...dbc383
+ 0.000018154328570917 amWETH
Transaction Address Amount
0x4a49...12ce5b 0x0000...000000
- 49 PIX-A
0x4a49...12ce5b 0x7bf2...82c53c
+ 49 PIX-A
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0.22 USD
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