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Mined on

Transaction Address Amount
0xbe78...9c856b 0x08f9...dafd1b
- 0.00312472964215251 MATIC
0xbe78...9c856b the-void
+ 0.00312472964215251 MATIC
0xbe78...9c856b 0x08f9...dafd1b
- 0.005202970764749478 MATIC
0xbe78...9c856b 0xf024...ad80b0
+ 0.005202970764749478 MATIC
0xbe78...9c856b 0x08f9...dafd1b
0xbe78...9c856b 0xc213...b58e8f
0x7f50...2c8854 0x00ae...d43626
- 0.001853339052285 MATIC
0x7f50...2c8854 the-void
+ 0.001853339052285 MATIC
0x7f50...2c8854 0x00ae...d43626
- 0.002346660947715 MATIC
0x7f50...2c8854 0xf024...ad80b0
+ 0.002346660947715 MATIC
Transaction Address Amount
0xa130...30cb48 0x8761...7b0819
- 0.016720392415039488 MATIC
0xa130...30cb48 0x7e08...43d521
+ 0.016720392415039488 MATIC
0x08ae...f589d0 0x0c1e...60d36f
- 0.08112668605199324 MATIC
0x08ae...f589d0 0x3c22...53cf62
+ 0.08112668605199324 MATIC
0x08ae...f589d0 0x3c22...53cf62
- 0.08112668605199324 MATIC
0x08ae...f589d0 0x4d73...a178e2
+ 0.08112668605199324 MATIC
0x08ae...f589d0 0x4d73...a178e2
- 0.000985927460670372 MATIC
0x08ae...f589d0 0xec92...712024
+ 0.000985927460670372 MATIC
0xa560...fc0632 0x70ea...79e2d2
- 0.086894546386649649 MATIC
0xa560...fc0632 0x3c22...53cf62
+ 0.086894546386649649 MATIC
Transaction Address Amount
0xd5e9...3c6e2e 0x1e8f...ec692d
- 360 PIX-A
0xd5e9...3c6e2e 0x0000...000000
+ 360 PIX-A
0x9340...e2ecea 0x0000...000000
- 1 NFT Voucher
0x9340...e2ecea 0x973e...0d5202
+ 1 NFT Voucher
0x9340...e2ecea 0x0000...000000
- 1 NFT Voucher
0x9340...e2ecea 0x8793...ac7139
+ 1 NFT Voucher
0x9340...e2ecea 0x0000...000000
- 1 NFT Voucher
0x9340...e2ecea 0x5954...657bc0
+ 1 NFT Voucher
0x9340...e2ecea 0x0000...000000
- 1 NFT Voucher
0x9340...e2ecea 0x5df2...166da2
+ 1 NFT Voucher
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0.31 USD
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