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Mined on

Transaction Address Amount
0xea20...8e7a01 0xe3cc...e3dff9
- 1.000240057613827319 DAI
0xea20...8e7a01 0x5f69...963014
+ 1.000240057613827319 DAI
0x44dd...85f1f7 0x27e1...c9c327
- 791 UNIM
0x44dd...85f1f7 0x87b3...470835
+ 791 UNIM
0xc628...59868b 0xfa1f...c302f7
- 11,504.742573280414322858 OOKI
0xc628...59868b 0xc536...c3ec50
+ 11,504.742573280414322858 OOKI
0xc628...59868b 0xc536...c3ec50
- 0.019026850546687112 WETH · 35.44 USD
0xc628...59868b 0xfa1f...c302f7
+ 0.019026850546687112 WETH · 35.44 USD
0xfb28...dbaa57 0x6cb7...e95213
- 0.002 FRK
0xfb28...dbaa57 0xc46e...0d5eae
+ 0.002 FRK
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0.28 USD
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