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Mined on

Transaction Address Amount
0x2812...6bd6a9 0x45dd...f50608
- 0.630667 USDC
0x2812...6bd6a9 0x55e1...87be06
+ 0.630667 USDC
0x2812...6bd6a9 0x55e1...87be06
- 0.000337306092364816 WETH · 0.63 USD
0x2812...6bd6a9 0x45dd...f50608
+ 0.000337306092364816 WETH · 0.63 USD
0x5abb...df6282 0x80dc...87bf87
- 1 BWLD
0x5abb...df6282 0xb934...7f73b3
+ 1 BWLD
0x7494...254287 0xfa1f...c302f7
- 675.055484930094576127 mOCEAN
0x7494...254287 0x5a94...270510
+ 675.055484930094576127 mOCEAN
0x7494...254287 0x5a94...270510
- 363.267523251738140733 WMATIC
0x7494...254287 0xfa1f...c302f7
+ 363.267523251738140733 WMATIC
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0.23 USD
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