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Mined on

Transaction Address Amount
0x9f24...d7a92a 0xefa4...2dd517
- 55.132879279374036975 WMATIC
0x9f24...d7a92a 0x86f1...e618e0
+ 55.132879279374036975 WMATIC
0x9f24...d7a92a 0xb035...61f9d3
- 18.565738332515842968 ICHI
0x9f24...d7a92a 0x3d86...c14fe7
+ 18.565738332515842968 ICHI
0x9f24...d7a92a 0xefa4...2dd517
- 0.024179037535662947 WETH · 44.29 USD
0x9f24...d7a92a 0xb035...61f9d3
+ 0.024179037535662947 WETH · 44.29 USD
0x9f24...d7a92a 0xefa4...2dd517
- 0.103186162090868159 WMATIC
0x9f24...d7a92a 0x1869...7a17bd
+ 0.103186162090868159 WMATIC
0xc672...b2a1d6 0x0000...000000
- 5 BTX
0xc672...b2a1d6 0xfbc1...c30cd7
+ 5 BTX
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0.24 USD
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