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Mined on

Transaction Address Amount
0x0ecf...e9b72d 0x9150...1b8217
- 0.00239387 WBTC · 51.96 USD
0x0ecf...e9b72d 0x078f...33a249
+ 0.00239387 WBTC · 51.96 USD
0x0ecf...e9b72d 0x0000...000000
- 0.00239387 aPolWBTC
0x0ecf...e9b72d 0x9150...1b8217
+ 0.00239387 aPolWBTC
0xdf2e...4b3e1c 0x12da...9707e4
- 0.19487831666545964 DAI
0xdf2e...4b3e1c 0x0000...3010e2
+ 0.19487831666545964 DAI
0xdf2e...4b3e1c 0x0000...3010e2
- 0.19487831666545964 DAI
0xdf2e...4b3e1c 0xdb6f...b1f498
+ 0.19487831666545964 DAI
0xdf2e...4b3e1c 0x5835...d20b8e
- 0.171800018044745219 WMATIC
0xdf2e...4b3e1c 0xdb6f...b1f498
+ 0.171800018044745219 WMATIC
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0.27 USD
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