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Mined on

Transaction Address Amount
0x3cdf...e1a46d 0xefe2...28fe28
- 0.0012 WETH
0x3cdf...e1a46d 0x89aa...4fa32b
+ 0.0012 WETH
0x55d6...acf606 0x757f...bb7d6b
- 0.0012 WETH
0x55d6...acf606 0x89aa...4fa32b
+ 0.0012 WETH
0x7f9c...307e33 0xbf79...5b7cb3
- 7.5 MANA
0x7f9c...307e33 0xdc62...bebc4f
+ 7.5 MANA
0xf195...d49f99 0xdb6f...b1f498
- 0.04 WMATIC
0xf195...d49f99 0x679b...d43dca
+ 0.04 WMATIC
0xf195...d49f99 0x679b...d43dca
- 0.000020585796650643 WETH
0xf195...d49f99 0xdb6f...b1f498
+ 0.000020585796650643 WETH
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0.24 USD
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