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Mined on

Transaction Address Amount
0x3375...4b3bca 0x51c7...502a7f
- 2.304118062082831616 WETH
0x3375...4b3bca 0x4789...c0ba25
+ 2.304118062082831616 WETH
0x2bd5...87e4e0 0x85c3...11754c
- 0.01236175 WBTC
0x2bd5...87e4e0 0xe5df...630376
+ 0.01236175 WBTC
0x2bd5...87e4e0 0xe5df...630376
- 0.36680287761391484 WETH
0x2bd5...87e4e0 0x85c3...11754c
+ 0.36680287761391484 WETH
0x4ac4...977756 0xfc1f...e09d05
- 0.592251295593197973 WETH
0x4ac4...977756 0xe592...861564
+ 0.592251295593197973 WETH
0x4ac4...977756 0x9643...b41ca9
- 908.06931419 OP · 1,973.94 USD
0x4ac4...977756 0xfc1f...e09d05
+ 908.06931419 OP · 1,973.94 USD
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1.04 USD
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