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Transactie Adres Hoeveelheid
0xb5f7...52e97a 0xebac...951b7e
- 0.000000000008411193 MATIC
0xb5f7...52e97a the-void
+ 0.000000000008411193 MATIC
0xb5f7...52e97a 0xebac...951b7e
- 0.038451168 MATIC
0xb5f7...52e97a 0xa8b5...7c6020
+ 0.038451168 MATIC
0xb5f7...52e97a 0xebac...951b7e
0xb5f7...52e97a 0x7876...bff29e
0x190c...ce6def 0xcb39...2a8bc6
- 0.000000000000946239 MATIC
0x190c...ce6def the-void
+ 0.000000000000946239 MATIC
0x190c...ce6def 0xcb39...2a8bc6
- 0.004325664 MATIC
0x190c...ce6def 0xa8b5...7c6020
+ 0.004325664 MATIC
Transactie Adres Hoeveelheid
0xedc6...ecc71d 0x5ff1...6d2789
- 0.0650284675 MATIC
0xedc6...ecc71d 0x4337...764983
+ 0.0650284675 MATIC
0x9bb2...c3050d 0x2d5d...082712
- 0.620969158897359963 MATIC
0x9bb2...c3050d 0x279c...9af7d2
+ 0.620969158897359963 MATIC
0x3fde...c1f51f 0xa748...8bd855
- 6.985312269995 MATIC
0x3fde...c1f51f 0x0d50...df1270
+ 6.985312269995 MATIC
0x9fb7...f99dfb 0x1a1e...707d31
- 71.5 MATIC
0x9fb7...f99dfb 0xc590...74c02b
+ 71.5 MATIC
0x9fb7...f99dfb 0xc590...74c02b
- 70.874375 MATIC
0x9fb7...f99dfb 0x1111...960582
+ 70.874375 MATIC
Transactie Adres Hoeveelheid
0xb5f7...52e97a 0x4d97...476045
- 198.7 WCOL
0xb5f7...52e97a 0xd91e...a35296
+ 198.7 WCOL
0xb5f7...52e97a 0xd91e...a35296
- 198.7 WCOL
0xb5f7...52e97a 0x0000...000000
+ 198.7 WCOL
0xb5f7...52e97a 0x3a3b...5002e2
- 198.7 USDC · 198.68 USD
0xb5f7...52e97a 0xc5d5...20f80a
+ 198.7 USDC · 198.68 USD
0xb5f7...52e97a 0xc5d5...20f80a
- 1.7883 USDC · 1.78 USD
0xb5f7...52e97a 0x6356...b41885
+ 1.7883 USDC · 1.78 USD
0xb5f7...52e97a 0xc5d5...20f80a
- 196.9117 USDC · 196.90 USD
0xb5f7...52e97a 0x5fe8...1abe32
+ 196.9117 USDC · 196.90 USD
Transactie Adres Hoeveelheid
0x87f9...e2f4c8 0x0000...000000
- 1 CUBE
0x87f9...e2f4c8 0xe149...3c585f
+ 1 CUBE
0xc80c...b5d783 0x0000...000000
- 1 UNI-V3-POS
0xc80c...b5d783 0x4052...6bcd31
+ 1 UNI-V3-POS
Transactie Adres Hoeveelheid
0xb5f7...52e97a 0x5fe8...1abe32
- 198,700,000 polygon-erc-1155/0x4d97dcd97ec945f40cf65f87097ace5ea0476045
0xb5f7...52e97a 0xc5d5...20f80a
+ 198,700,000 polygon-erc-1155/0x4d97dcd97ec945f40cf65f87097ace5ea0476045
0xb5f7...52e97a 0x6356...b41885
- 198,700,000 polygon-erc-1155/0x4d97dcd97ec945f40cf65f87097ace5ea0476045
0xb5f7...52e97a 0xc5d5...20f80a
+ 198,700,000 polygon-erc-1155/0x4d97dcd97ec945f40cf65f87097ace5ea0476045
0x47d7...814f69 0x63ba...52704e
0x47d7...814f69 0xc112...8ba48a
0xb5f7...52e97a 0xc5d5...20f80a
- 198,700,000 polygon-erc-1155/0x4d97dcd97ec945f40cf65f87097ace5ea0476045
0xb5f7...52e97a 0xd91e...a35296
+ 198,700,000 polygon-erc-1155/0x4d97dcd97ec945f40cf65f87097ace5ea0476045
0xb5f7...52e97a 0xc5d5...20f80a
- 198,700,000 polygon-erc-1155/0x4d97dcd97ec945f40cf65f87097ace5ea0476045
0xb5f7...52e97a 0xd91e...a35296
+ 198,700,000 polygon-erc-1155/0x4d97dcd97ec945f40cf65f87097ace5ea0476045
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