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Transactie Adres Hoeveelheid
0xa1e1...f43137 0xa6f4...9a0f28
- 0.00002590879687229 ETH · 0.06 USD
0xa1e1...f43137 0xceea...efdb2f
+ 0.00002590879687229 ETH · 0.06 USD
0x1478...6c1726 0x4200...000006
- 0.011674994442618008 ETH · 29.43 USD
0x1478...6c1726 0x09ae...7bec64
+ 0.011674994442618008 ETH · 29.43 USD
0x1478...6c1726 0x09ae...7bec64
- 0.011674994442618008 ETH · 29.43 USD
0x1478...6c1726 0x464d...5e858a
+ 0.011674994442618008 ETH · 29.43 USD
0x0f65...b2646b 0x4752...72ad24
- 0.000000000000073 ETH · 0.00 USD
0x0f65...b2646b 0x4200...000006
+ 0.000000000000073 ETH · 0.00 USD
0xfe63...5deb05 0x6814...b0d43d
- 0.053433794604446464 ETH · 134.73 USD
0xfe63...5deb05 0xa855...4d1407
+ 0.053433794604446464 ETH · 134.73 USD
Transactie Adres Hoeveelheid
0x3f34...116ab8 0x2ae0...704e03
- 4,999,952.776247 USDC
0x3f34...116ab8 0xeb81...cf0cc9
+ 4,999,952.776247 USDC
0x3f34...116ab8 0x2ae0...704e03
- 4,999,952.776247 USDC
0x3f34...116ab8 0x68e3...0e79f8
+ 4,999,952.776247 USDC
0x3f34...116ab8 0xb4f0...6bbfd1
- 2,416.290314 USDC
0x3f34...116ab8 0xeb81...cf0cc9
+ 2,416.290314 USDC
0x3f34...116ab8 0xb4f0...6bbfd1
- 2,416.290314 USDC
0x3f34...116ab8 0xecd5...87032e
+ 2,416.290314 USDC
0xa1e1...f43137 0x33d6...026d8c
- 276,590.215471 USDC
0xa1e1...f43137 0x4e96...b3e778
+ 276,590.215471 USDC
Transactie Adres Hoeveelheid
0xcb1f...3c0fcb 0x3189...c9f6d7
- 12,560,498 base-erc-1155/0x97752ff8583ae58f62aa7f70e3488ba4da677b25
0xcb1f...3c0fcb 0x1b1a...764f08
+ 12,560,498 base-erc-1155/0x97752ff8583ae58f62aa7f70e3488ba4da677b25
0x849e...02feb2 0x0000...000000
- 1 Miggles II: The Miggling
0x849e...02feb2 0xaf36...c49457
+ 1 Miggles II: The Miggling
0xc09d...f36951 0xb77e...1c3b41
- 1 KEYS
0xc09d...f36951 0x5c8d...e9fa13
+ 1 KEYS
0xd781...f610cf 0x0000...000000
- 1 The Rollup
0xd781...f610cf 0x60e3...6b872b
+ 1 The Rollup
0xcb1f...3c0fcb 0x0000...000000
- 6,593,000 base-erc-1155/0x97752ff8583ae58f62aa7f70e3488ba4da677b25
0xcb1f...3c0fcb 0x3189...c9f6d7
+ 6,593,000 base-erc-1155/0x97752ff8583ae58f62aa7f70e3488ba4da677b25
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2,692 USD

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